David Melse

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The Podcast is Live!

I’ve just posted Ep 2 of the podcast. It’s linked on the podcast page of this site if you want to take a look.

Feeling pretty good about this one and I think it’s an improvement on the first. 

Doing some soul searching last weekend driving back and forth from the coast I was really questioning the point of creating content around the challenge and if it’s a good idea or not. The imposter syndrome came to mind! 

I was able to come up with 6 reasons why I’m taking the time and putting the energy into this website and the blogs, the article as well as regular social media posting. 

They are: 

  1. Accountability

    I feel that if I’m constantly posting content and talking about this challenge, I’m far more likely to stick with it and to keep going vs bailing and putting it in the too hard basket. Both for people I know and also strangers that may of seen the content but I don’t know them personally. I value integrity as a value so I like to execute on what I say I’m going to do.

  2. Inspiration

    I think that if I could inspire one person to take action and to do something different, be more productive or stretch themselves after seeing some of this content, I’d call that a win. Ideally I’ll succeed at this challenge and It’ll be proof that it’s possible.

  3. Opportunities

    Ideally this will work, it might lead to other opportunities and I’d love for it to be an example of how a fairly regular person can achieve an amount of wealth which should be enough to be fairly comfortable financially.

  4. A record

    Being able to look back on this experiment will be good it and I think purely by creating a record of it. I’m constantly holding myself accountable as I’m thinking about the progress (or lack of it) that’s happening

  5. Personal growth

    I noticed this back in the ALT. (marketing) days, when I was doing the “Monday Night Beers” Podcast + recording video content regularly, my communication and speaking skills did improve.

  6. Money,

    This is a challenge about making money after all, so ideally this will become a revenue stream in someway. Even if a minor one. I’ve always been fascinated by sponsorship, brand deals and basically money being exchanged for attention.

Now to plan for the remaining 8 episodes.

Amendment: Shout out to Paul from Establish for the call today. I’ve known Paul for a few years, we follow each other on social media + have done some business before. It was awesome hearing from him today and chatting about the challenge.

An absolute vindication for what I’m doing here and the benefits, large and small that I believe will come from this.
